Janosch Preuß (former member)
Lotzestraße 16-18
D-37083 Göttingen
Room 220
email: j.preuss-at-math.uni-goettingen.de
Janosch is now at UCL London.
Research interests
Currently I am mainly working on numerical methods for wave propagation in stratified media. This research is fueled by the challenging demands of computational helioseismology. The extreme conditions in the Sun amplify the classical problems of numerical wave propagation:
- accurate discretization methods
- transparent boundary conditions
- efficient preconditioners for iterative methods
We are aiming to address these issues by developing so called learned infinite elements. These are special transparent boundary conditions which are learned from the stratified background medium to provide an optimal approximation of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator. Further, learned infinite elements could then serve as transmission conditions in a domain decomposition framework to construct efficient preconditioners.
My work is supervised by Christoph Lehrenfeld, Thorsten Hohage and Damien Fournier. Additionally, I am a member of the IMPRS for Solar System Science.
Conferences and workshops
Upcoming (planned)
- WAVES 2022, Paris
- PRECOND 2022, Chemnitz
- Ants Workshop on computational helioseismology 2021 (online)
- GAMM 2021, Kassel (online)
- Ants Workshop on computational helioseismology 2019, Bordeaux, talk: "Learned infinite elements"
- WAVES 2019 Vienna, talk: "Sweeping preconditioners for helioseismology"
- ECCM-ECFD 2018 Glasgow, talk: "Higher order unfitted isoparametric space-time FEM on moving domains"