Erik Schlesinger (former member)
Lotzestraße 16-18
D-37083 Göttingen
I am a Master's student and Student Worker and have been in the working group since 2021.
Research interests
My favorite interests are numerical methods for fluid dynamical problems.
First I worked on a scientific internship project on the topic of "Variational Multiscale (VMS) Turbulence Modelling". With fellow students, I extended an explicit and implicit DNS solver by Christoph Lehrenfeld to a VMS solver in terms of ngsolve
. The idea is to decompose turbulence eddies into three scales and thus trying to avoid problems of the well-known Large Eddy Simulation (LES) method.
Then, with Constanze Heil, I tried to reproduce the work of Divya Bohra et al. on "Modeling the electrical double layer to understand the reaction environment in a CO2 electrocatalytic system" with ngsolve
Right now I'm working on my Master's thesis and my student job at the same time on the same topic about the Navier-Stokes equation on (curved and evolving) surfaces. Since this is a huge topic, we started with simplified problems for better understanding, for example the Laplace-Beltrami problem first. We want to continue this successively with the Vector-Laplace, Convection etc. until we finally reach the Surface Navier-Stokes problem. For the methods we use (DG) unfitted Cut-FEM (with ngsxfem
) and different Trefftz methods (with 'ngstrefftz'). By "we" I mean Fabian Heimann, who supports me with questions about Cut-FEM and ngsxfem
, Paul Stocker, who supports me with questions about Trefftz and 'ngstrefftz' and of course Christoph Lehrenfeld, who supports me with all kinds of questions as supervisor.